Prime Productions has released their long-awaited first effort in the Headmasters series, which they have taken over from Dark Heroes and FyerSpawn before that. Derek from Prime Productions said this about the episode:

Forgetting that the infamous StarTV Singapore dub ever existed, this is the first ever English dub of this particular episode to my knowledge. The episode began pre-production under the Ultimate Fan Project with Dark Heroes, and has evolved from that time. Critques are welcome as we are always trying to improve. Thank you to the entire cast for their hard work, enthusiasm, patience, and commitment to the Headmasters project. We hope you enjoy!

(Note: The video has been removed by YouTube. An alternative solution is currently being worked on. Stay tuned!)

A quick reminder: TFCog has nothing to do with this production, but we are excited to see the episode out and wish Derek and crew the best of luck!

12 Responses to “Transformers Headmasters PPV Episode 7 Released”

  1. lynn

    I’m so happy to see this show in English and I really enjoy watching them..
    will the whole transformers headmasters series be publish in English? Also would this episode be available on dvd? thanks and I really hope you make more episodes! πŸ™‚

  2. Derek James

    Hi Lynn, glad that you enjoy! We are working to bring the Headmasters series into English but it is an extremely long and tedious process that will take years to complete. Currently this episode is only available on YouTube. Once we have completed the series we may discuss a DVD release but that is a long ways away. Until then, the PrimeProductions YouTube channel will be the exclusive place to see all episode that are being released. πŸ™‚

  3. SoundwaveSG1

    awesome!!!! just wished i could of audtioned still best of luck!

  4. Derek James

    SoundwaveSG1, you still can…

  5. Peter

    wheres the download link.

  6. Brandon

    Peter: We don’t have it up for download at this time.

  7. jamar miller

    was hoping for at least a monthly release on these.

    Perhaps you guys should consider getting 6 done first and then start releasing them monthly while working on the next few episodes.

    I am just glad I wont be showing these episodes to my boy for another 2 years ( he is 4 right now and is on G1 season 1 at the moment ). But when he gets to this series I hope its mostly completed so he can watch it. This is by far the best version of the series and I too would buy the dvd in a second for him ( and for me LOL ). I refuse to buy Japanese track only dvds

  8. Paul James

    “This video is not available in your country.”

    Is anyone else having this problem?

  9. anonymous

    β€œThis video is not available in your country.”

    Is anyone else having this problem?

    Yes – It’s called censorship. Use a youtube proxy.

  10. Brandon

    I’ve taken the video down, and I’ll update it as soon as Derek informs me of any new developments.

    Oh, and for the record… I never want to forget the Singapore dubs.

  11. Jamarmiller

    Another person just uploaded it here :

  12. Fandub of Headmasters episode #7 "The Veil of Mystery"

    […] Just FYI, it was produced by Prime Productions and more can be read about it on HERE […]

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