Quick Update

February 28th, 2013

We’ve been getting a lot of questions about our current status, or if there are any projects coming out anytime soon.

The good news is – yes, we are still alive. The bad – right now, there’s not a lot of time to work on any fandubs. We hope to report back in the near future that things have picked back up.

In the mean time, we hope you’ll join our Facebook group and keep up!

4 Responses to “Quick Update”

  1. Faith Byrd

    So, you guys aren’t making anymore fandubs.

  2. Brandon

    No, that’s not at all what I wrote.

    We still intend on resuming progress. There’s no way I’d let some of the hard work by myself, Peter, Dusan, Gabe and all of the voice actors go to waste.

  3. Rodimus

    I can report than a new episode of the Headmasters is due for release with in the next 30 days, possibly sooner. Just a few minor tweaks are being worked out and then it will go public. While it is not officially a TFcog production, it was created with help from friends here at TFcog, such as Brandon who plays the role of Highbrow. Keep watch at the youtube channel for it’s release this month.

  4. Rodimus

    PS. I will also post a link to it here at TFcog once it is released.

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