Episode 3 of Headmasters, produced by the Mega Dub Productions, is ready for download here (105 MB).
Episode 3 of Headmasters, produced by the Mega Dub Productions, is ready for download here (105 MB).
For everyone’s pleasure, the Transformers Zone FV section is up, with Zone FV available for download! just click on the Zone FV link at the left to check it out.
Please check out the Beast Wars Neo sound clips, for pretty much every character. Everything is in MP3 and only a few KB large, so they should download fast. Also, I’ve made the popup window that opens with the sound files much smaller.
Brandon and Taggenagger just ended the audition period for both Robotmasters Optimus Primal and Victory Greatshot, and the selected voice actors are: John Patrick – Optimus Primal Chris Ho – Greatshot Congratulations to you both! Selecting both parts was very hard, we did get a few very good auditions to choose from. I hope both […]
The oh-so-cool place of discussion is online as well. The TFCog.net Boards are not meant to be of any competition or anything to any of the bigger forums and communities, it is just a place for anyone wanting to discuss the content of this site, or suggest content as well.
This evening (Swedish time), I’ve added sections for Scramble City FV, Scramble City 2 and Beast Wars Neo FDP. Scramble City FV is downloadable in it’s own section for everyone’s pleasure.
Finally, www.tfcog.net is online for everyone’s pleasure! The intention of this site is to bring light to different fan projects, just as the Victory FDP which is being run by yours truly (and Brandon). I, Taggenagger, am the webmaster and owner of the site, while Brandon kind of has the same powers, but only almost. […]