Armada Episode 38 – Threaten

January 9th, 2012

Transformers: Armada
“Threaten” – Episode 38
Written by Terry Klassen and Ward Perry
Transcription by Brandon Williams

Narrator: The war between the Autobots and the Decepticons rages on as they struggle to retrieve the prized Mini-Cons. The side who wins is the side that collects the most. And if the Decepticons prove victorious, then Megatron and his corrupt Mini-Cons control the universe. The Earth’s only chance for a peaceful cosmos is for Optimus Prime and the Autobots to destroy their enemy. Now, get ready for a new battle.


Carlos: How could Starscream do this to us?! That liar! Aaah! That creep!

Blurr & Jetfire: Huh?

Rad: Hey, take it easy.

Billy: No way! Carlos is right.

Alexis: Now stop that. Those are valuable.

Rad: Yeah, Billy. Those rocks are from Mars.

Fred: I believed him. I trusted him. How could he do this to me?!

Alexis: He’s lost it.

Megatron: Hahaha… It’s good to have you back with us, Starscream. And thank you for bringing the three most powerful weapons with you. Hahahaha…

Thrust: Let me take a closer look at those weapons to see if they’re authentic. Huh?

Starscream: Don’t worry. They’re the real deal. Now back off.

Thrust: Why so defensive? We’re on the same side.

Starscream: Yeah, I know.

Megatron: Thrust, stand down. Starscream, bring them to me.

Thrust: Yessir.

Starscream: The Star Saber sword, sir.

Megatron: It looks real to me. Hahaha. I must say very impressive, Starscream. Yes…

Starscream: Thank you. And here’s the Skyboom shield.

Megatron: Starscream. There’s just one last thing.

Thrust: Huh?!

Starscream: W-what’s wrong, Megatron-sir?!

Megatron: Hmm… Ha, ha, ha, ha! Take some time off. You’ve earned it.

Starscream: Uh, thank you very much, sir.

Megatron: Ah, at last we have all three weapons. It’s time. Thrust, it’s up to you. Complete our little project we had planned.

Thrust: Oh, yes, sir. It will be an honour.

Starscream: Complete the project?

Sideswipe: Hey brother? Just relax.

Jetfire: Let ‘im get it out of his system.


Kids: Thank you, Starscream.

[End flashback]

Alexis: How could he? Hmmm? Thanks a lot, Sureshock.

Thrust: I’ll be going out for a while, and I want the rest of you to keep working.

Cyclonus: Who does he think he is, ordering us around.

Demolishor: And just where is he going, anyway? Huh? It’s Starscream!

Starscream: I’ve got a question for you.

Demolishor: I’d better tell Megatron about this.

Megatron: Hmmm… Starscream attacked him?

Demolishor: That’s right. He dragged him outside, sir.

Megatron: Heh, heh, I see. If they’re at eachother’s throats, well then, we’ll just have to let them settle it.

Demolishor: Uhhh, but sir!

Megatron: It’s none of your concern either. Now get back to work. Who told you to take a break?

Demolishor: ‘Sir. Uh, I’m terribly sorry.

Starscream: I want some answers, Thrust!

Thrust: What’s this all about, Starscream?

Starscream: What is this project? You’d better not lie to me.

Thrust: Ah, yes. Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha…

Starscream: What’s so funny?

Thrust: Well, you didn’t have to drag me out here to get information. I’ll gladly tell you everything. Remember what happened when the three weapons, the Star Saber sword, the Skyboom shield and the Requiem Blaster came together?

Starscream: Huh? Don’t tell me — you want to harness that power!

Thrust: That’s right. When you combine all three, you create a colossal weapon unlike anything that’s ever been seen!

Starscream: Now I get it… And that’s why you manipulated me to get them!

Thrust: I had to do it… for you!

Starscream: Do it for me?

Thrust: Yes. You see, if you defeat Megatron, then I know you will take command of the Decepticons. I’ve always been your ally, Starscream. I just had to hide it from the others so they wouldn’t get suspicious. But, of course, if you don’t believe me, then there’s nothing I can do about it now. Heh. whatever fate you feel I deserve then… I am ready. There is no way that I can defeat Megatron on my own. And it doesn’t make sense for me to carry on now, so might as well finish me off. Heh, heh, heh, heh… He really is a lot dumber than he looks.

Sideways: An impressive performance, Thrust!

Thrust: You heard all that?

Sideways: You’re quite an actor.

Thrust: I learned from the best.

Sideways: Heh, heh. All we have to do now is bring it all together… And the Hydra Cannon will be ours. Heh, heh, heh…


Girl Singing on TV: I love the Transformers!

Game Shot Host: What’s the name of the German scientist that inv–

Kelly Bongartner: Tune in tomorrow for live coverage of the comet.

Rad: Mmrrmm…

Alexis: Hmmm… Starscream!

Hot Shot: Hey Optimus!

Optimus: What is it, Hot Shot?

Hot Shot: Maybe we should go after the Decepticons before they come after us!

Optimus: Now let’s not be too hasty.

Hot Shot: But they’ve got the sword, the shield and the gun!

Jetfire: I was just going over some data. I think we may be able to get those weapons back. How’s it going, Sideswipe?

Sideswipe: It’s not looking good. The Decepticons’ warp gate is completely sealed.

Jetfire: That doesn’t surprise me.

Hot Shot: We know exactly where they are. So let’s use our own launch gate.

Sideswipe: That’s too dangerous. That would be like going into a tunnel that had no exit. That would be crazy.

Hot Shot: Aw, c’mon! There must be some other way.

Sideswipe: I suppose we could try and use the spaceship maybe.

Hot Shot: Spaceship?

Jetfire: Aww, it’s nowhere near completion.

Hot Shot: Well then that’s it. We’ll just have to hurry up and complete it, because we’ve got no other choice. C’mon, Sideswipe!

Sideswipe: Uhh, sure. Where are we going? Hey, wait up?

Optimus: Hmmm…

Jetfire: Optimus… If you want me to, I’ll pilot the ship to the Decepticon base. I can’t stand all this waiting around!

Optimus: No! Your anger towards Starscream could cloud your judgement. And I need you here right now.

Jetfire: Optimus, please!

Optimus: You’re no good in the field if you can’t control your anger. So I want you to stay here at the base. Hot Shot has been more than a handful lately. Besides, don’t give up on Starscream just yet. There’s no doubt he’s a hardened Decepticon, but he’s still a Transformer. He still could come around. And I’m hoping that all Transformers will make peace with eachother someday.

Jetfire: Well, let’s see if you can convince Megatron…


Thrust: If we can combine the Star Saber sword, the Skyboom shield and the Requiem Blaster into one, we will have in our possession the greatest weapon in the known universe, Megatron! This new device will be known as the Hydra Cannon. With it, you can conquer the universe!

Megatron: Ah, the Hydra Cannon…

Thrust: You see, the “hydra” refers to a dragon that possesses nine heads. Heh, yeah. So, too, the power of the Hydra Cannon is created by combining the powers of nine Mini-Cons.

Megatron: Interesting. When can we use it?

Thrust: Oh, anytime you wish, sir. However, we should proceed with caution. I think it would be best to test it in open space. I wouldn’t want to risk any harm coming to you, sir.

Megatron: Ha, ha, ha. Then we test it today. I want to see how well this Hydra Cannon works. Thrust, find me a target.

Thrust: Yessir.

Carlos: What’s up, Hot Shot? You leaving?

Hot Shot: We have to, Carlos! There’s no time to waste!

Carlos: Well, hey, why the big hurry? What’s going on?

Hot Shot: We’re taking back what was ours. It’s time to make the Decepticons pay for what they did to us. We’ve let them get away with too much. Hey! Sideswipe, let’s get it in gear!

Sideswipe: Aw, c’mon, bro. Can’t we take a break?

Hot Shot: There’s no time.

Rad: Ah, let’s let them do their work. We’ll only get in the way, guys. Besides, it’s time to forget about Starscream and start thinking about the future.

Carlos: Yeah, all that talk about Starscream just makes me mad. Let’s not mention his name anymore.

Billy: Who were we talking about? Ooh yeah, I’ve already forgot!

Carlos: Yeah! That’s the way to be!

Alexis: Hhhh…

Rad: Uhhh…

Fred: Hey! Why don’t we go check out that comet? It’s almost here!

Billy: You wanna go see the comet, Fred?

Fred: Yeah, sure. It’s way better than going to school, isn’t it?

Carlos: Let’s go to the point and check it out! C’mon!

Rad: Hey, Alexis, about Starscream… I didn’t mean to say that —

Alexis: Look, it’s okay. Don’t sweat it.

Demolishor: Engine activated. All functions appear normal.

Megatron: Good. Then take us into outer space.

Demolishor: Yessir! Launching now!

Thrust: Aaahh!

Megatron: What’s wrong? Is there a problem?

Thrust: Aaah! I’m not sure, sir. Demolishor, get us out of here!

Demolishor: We don’t have enough engine power. We can’t escape the moon’s gravity.

Thrust: What? No! That can’t be!

Demolishor: I’m raising engine output. 120 percent. 130 percent. 150 percent. 170 percent. 190 percent! We’re gaining altitude! Engines at maximum, sir.

Thrust: My calculations for lift-off must have been incorrect, Megatron!

Megatron: For your sake, I hope the Hydra Cannon’s calculations aren’t beyond your control. You promised me a show and that’s what I want to see. Hahaha…

Kelly Bongartner: Tune into this station for live coverage of the comet. This is a once in a lifetime event and you sure don’t want to miss it. Now back to Sandy and Bob in the studio.

Cameraman: That’s a wrap.

Kelly Bongartner: Hhh! Let’s interview some of these bystanders and go home. This is so boring. Are these people here to see the comet or are they waiting for a free ride on the mothership?

Cameraman: Hehehehe…

Pauly: I think I’ll for a nap.

Brad: Yeah, go ahead, Pauly, I’ll cover ya.

Thrust: M-Megatron-sir! I’ve found the ideal target for the test firing of the Hydra Cannon!

Megatron: Perfect. Let’s blast that comet.

Thrust: Throughout human history, they believed the comet was a sign of bad luck. But good luck for us when we blow it to pieces!

Megatron: Well, it had better be. Demolishor, head for that comet.

Demolishor: ‘Sir. Right away, sir.

Megatron: Starscream!

Starscream: Sir?!

Megatron: I’m going to give you honour of taking the first shot with the Hydra Cannon.

Starscream: Uh, the first shot, sir?

Megatron: Yes, you played a big part in putting the Hydra Cannon together.

Starscream: Thank you, but I think you should be the one to take the first shot.

Megatron: You will fire the first shot! Starscream… You will do as you are told.

Starscream: Eehhhh… Of course I will.

Megatron: Starscream… Prepare to fire.

Carlos: Is that it up there?

Fred: Nah. That’s it. Right there!

Billy: Whoa, that’s cool! It’s the comet!

Carlos: That thing is really moving! Man, that’s wild!

Fred: No kiddin’.

Rad: Hey you guys, I’m sure we’ll be able to see it better once the sun goes down.

Alexis: I think I’m gonna go home now.

Rad: Uh, hey, wait up.

Megatron: Fire away!

Starscream: Yessir! Here we go.

Megatron: Mmmmm…

Thrust: Huh? We need full power on the rear engine or we’re going to be blown back by the recoil!

Alexis: Hmm?

Rad: Alexis… Don’t go home, ‘kay?

Billy: Whoa! What the heck’s going on up there?

Carlos: Hey, the comet is getting brighter and brighter!

Fred: I don’t like the looks of this.

Alexis: What’s going on up there?

Rad: The comet blew up.

Alexis: Is that even possible? Hhh! No way!

Pauly: Brad! Come look, the comet exploded!

Brad: We’ve got big trouble! All the computers have completely shut down!

Pauly: That can’t be! What’s going on here?

Kelly Bongartner: What, is that — the comet? What in the world happened to it? Hey Jimmy! Are you getting all of this? C’mon, keep it rolling! This is the story of a lifetime and you’re asleep on the job!

Jetfire: Optimus!

Hot Shot: Are we under attack!

Optimus: No, the comet has exploded, Hot Shot.

Hot Shot: It exploded?

Optimus: And I detected an enormous energy wave coming from the moon.

Jetfire: That is totally bizarre.

Sideswipe: All right! I’ve locked into the source of the energy wave, Optimus. Watch the monitor.

Hot Shot: What?! It’s a ship!

Jetfire: It’s the Decepticons!

Optimus: Megatron!

Sideways: Heh, heh, heh… Hehehehaha!

Starscream: Look! The comet has disappeared!

Thrust: The Hydra Cannon works. It actually works!

Megatron: Hahahaha! Congratulatons, Thrust. It appears your calculations were correct.

Thrust: Megatron, with the Hydra Cannon, we have no need for the other Mini-Cons. Let’s return to Cybertron and conquer the planet!

Megatron: First there’s some unfinished business. Starscream, I want you to target the Autobot base.

Starscream: Hmm? The Autobots’ base?! But if we do that, the Earth will be blown to bits aswell!

Megatron: So what? This is a perfect opportunity to finally destroy the Autobots. I order you to point the Hydra Cannon at their base.

Thrust: But that won’t be possible from here. The Autobots’ base is now on the other side of the planet.

Megatron: What?

Thrust: Although, if we were to move into range and punch in the proper co-ordinates, the Hydra Cannon will make quick work of the Autobots!

Megatron: Ha! You don’t know how clever Optimus Prime is. I’m sure he’ll see us coming and make his escape. I know the way he thinks. But we won’t give him that chance. We attack when he’s still unaware of us. And if we have to destroy the planet, then so be it.

Thrust: Excellent idea, sir. Forgive me for even thinking of questioning you. You are a truly brilliant strategist. Heh. Very well. We will move the ship into position and fire directly at the Earth and destroy the Autobots’ base.

Megatron: Starscream! I’m solely counting on you. Set the sight of the Hydra Cannon for our new target… Planet Earth. Hahahaha!

Sideswipe: Their ship is starting to move. And it’s coming towards the planet!

Optimus: What?!

Hot Shot: Aw, no way. We are done for.

Starscream (VO): I know Megatron wants to get the Autobots. Why does he have to destroy the whole planet? I can’t let this happen. There are too many innocent people down there. My friends are down there. But if I refuse, Megatron will surely cut me down. We’re almost in position. I don’t have much time. What should I do? What should I do?!


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